| 1 | | | Minutes | A. Assembly Regular Meeting: 01/21/25
B. Assembly Regular Meeting: 02/04/25 | | |
Not available
| 1 | | | Citizen and Other Correspondence | 1. Abbreviated Plat: 02/05/25, 02/12/25, 02/19/25
2. Animal Care and Regulation Board: Order for Dismissal of 25-03
3. Caswell Lakes RSA Board of Supervisors: 12/09/24
4. Chase Community Council: 10/16/24
5. Enhanced 911 Advisory Board: 12/10/24
6. Gateway Community Council: 10/09/24, 11/13/24
7. Library Advisory Board: 10/14/24
8. MSB Fish and Wildlife: 11/14/24, 12/12/24
9. Platting Board: 01/02/25
10. South Knik River Community Council: 10/17/24
11. Susitna Community Council: 01/04/24, 02/01/24, 03/07/24, 06/06/24, 08/01/24, 10/03/24, 11/07/24, 01/02/25
12. Talkeetna Sewer and Water Advisory Board: 01/08/25
13 Transportation Advisory Board: Resolution No. 25-02
14. Willow Area Community Organization: 01/08/25 | | |
Not available
IM 25-044
| 1 | | | Informational Memo | Reporting The Conclusion Of Contract No. 23-126B With Western Construction And Equipment, LLC. For A Total Contract Amount Of $495,704.71 For Big Rock Road Improvements. | | |
Not available
IM 25-049
| 1 | | | Informational Memo | Reporting The Conclusion Of Contract For Bid No. 21-150B With Roger Hickel Contracting, Inc. For A Final Contract Amount Of $36,196,452 To Construct Houston Middle School. | | |
Not available
IM 25-052
| 1 | | | Informational Memo | Reporting The Conclusion Of Contract No. 23-078B With OT Enterprises, LLC. For A Total Contract Amount Of $478,524.75 For The English Bay Drive, Resolution Bay Circle, And Katmai Court Road Improvements Project. | | |
Not available
IM 25-058
| 1 | | | Informational Memo | Reporting The Conclusion Of Contract For Bid 24-077B With Pro Built, LLC. For A Final Contract Amount Of $293,482 For The Design /Build To Remodel Station 7-9. | | |
Not available
OR 25-016
| 1 | | | Ordinance | An Ordinance Approving An Appropriation Of $314,014 From The Big Lake Road Service Area Fund Balance To The Big Lake Road Service Area Road Improvement Projects List. | | |
Not available
OR 25-019
| 1 | | | Ordinance | An Ordinance Amending MSB 5.25.150(C), Willow-Caswell Fire Service Area Board Of Supervisors. | | |
Not available
OR 25-021
| 1 | | | Ordinance | An Ordinance Accepting And Appropriating $60,000 From The United States Fish And Wildlife Service, National Fish Habitat Partnership, For Coal Creek At Sushana Drive Fish Passage Replacement.
RS 25-016: A Resolution Approving The Scope Of Work And Budget And Authorizing The Manager To Enter Into An Agreement With The United States Fish And Wildlife Service For Coal Creek At Sushana Drive Fish Passage Replacement And Approving The Time Extension Of The Fiscal Year 2023 Areawide Budget Appropriation For Fish Passage Improvements Match Funds. | | |
Not available
OR 25-022
| 1 | | | Ordinance | An Ordinance Approving The Addition Of A New Regular, Full-Time Right-Of-Way Acquisition Officer (Project Employee) For The Pre-Design & Engineering Division Of The Public Works Department. | | |
Not available
RS 25-021
| 1 | | | Resolution | A Resolution Authorizing The Manager To Enter Into An Agreement With AAA Valley Gravel, LLC. For The Alsop Interim Material District, Materials Sale. | | |
Not available
RS 25-025
| 1 | | | Resolution | A Resolution Authorizing The Manager To Enter Into An Agreement With Tutka, LLC. For The Milepost 128 Parks Highway Material Sale. | | |
Not available
RS 25-027
| 1 | | | Resolution | A Resolution Allocating Human Services Community Matching Grant Program Funding To Nonprofit Subgrantees For The Provision Of Critically Needed Essential Health And Social Services. | | |
Not available
AM 25-019
| 1 | | | Action Memo | Approval Of Change Order No. 1 For Contract No. 25-001P With Lounsbury And Associates, Inc. To Add $40,900 For The Guardrail Inventory And Assessment For Bogard Road Service Area No. 25; And Extend The Contract To June 30, 2025. | | |
Not available
AM 25-020
| 1 | | | Action Memo | Authorization To Vacate That Portion Of West Independence Drive Lying Between North Deception Drive And North Craigie Court Located North Of Deception Creek, South of Willow Fishhook Road, And West Of Four Mile Road, Located Within The Southeast 1/4 Of Section 2, Township 19 North, Range 4 West, Seward Meridian, Alaska. | | |
Not available
AM 25-021
| 1 | | | Action Memo | Approval Of Change Order No. 2 For Contract No. 22-143P With The Boutet Company, Inc. To Add $15,540 For The Williwaw Way, Kodiak Drive, And Helen Lane Project; And To Extend The Contract To July 30, 2027. | | |
Not available
AM 25-022
| 1 | | | Action Memo | Award Of Bid No. 25-138C To Hughes Fire Equipment, Inc. In The Amount Of $1,520,253 To Purchase An Enforcer Pumper Tender. | | |
Not available
AM 25-023
| 1 | | | Action Memo | Award Of Proposal No. 25-079P To Collins Architecture + Energy Conservation, LLC. In The Contract Amount Of $127,357 To Design School District Elevator Replacements. | | |
Not available
RS 25-026
| 1 | | | Resolution | A Resolution Establishing A State Legislative Priority Requesting That The Alaska Legislature Amend State Law Regarding The Open Meetings Act To Allow Local Governments The Option To Exempt Advisory Service Area Boards From The Act. | | |
Not available
RS 25-028
| 1 | | | Resolution | A Resolution In Support Of Alaska State Senate Bill 92. | | |
Not available
RS 25-028
| 1 | | | Resolution | A Resolution In Support Of Alaska State Senate Bill 92. | | |
Not available
OR 25-020
| 1 | | | Ordinance | An Ordinance Accepting And Appropriating $21,500 From The American Society For The Prevention Of Cruelty To Animals, And Approving The Scope Of Work And Budget For The Quality-Of-Life Project
RS 25-015: A Resolution Approving The Scope Of Work And Budget For The Quality-Of-Life Grant From The American Society For The Prevention Of Cruelty To Animals. | | |
Not available
OR 25-027
| 1 | | | Ordinance | An Ordinance Accepting And Appropriating $39,049.44 From The Alaska State Division Of Forestry Volunteer Fire Capacity Grant Program; And Appropriating $3,904.94 In Matching Funds For Firefighter And Firefighting Equipment, Clothing, Supplies, And Communications Equipment.
RS 25-023: A Resolution Approving The Scopes Of Work And Budgets For The Alaska State Division Of Forestry Volunteer Fire Capacity Grants And Matching Funds For The Fire Service Areas Of Caswell, Willow, Talkeetna, And Sutton. | | |
Not available
OR 25-028
| 1 | | | Ordinance | An Ordinance Accepting And Appropriating $2,100,000 From The Environmental Protection Agency's Solid Waste Infrastructure For Recycling Grants For Communities.
RS 25-024: A Resolution Approving The Scope Of Work And Budget For The Solid Waste Division's Sustainable Organic Materials Compost Program And Infrastructure Development. | | |
Not available
OR 25-029
| 1 | | | Ordinance | An Ordinance Approving An Appropriation Of Road Service Fund Balances To That Road Service Area's Capital Project Fund. | | |
Not available
OR 25-030
| 1 | | | Ordinance | An Ordinance Establishing A Joint Assembly/School Board Committee On School District Funding Issues. | | |
Not available
| 1 | | | Appointment | Mayoral Requests for Confirmation | | |
Not available
RS 25-026
| 1 | | | Resolution | A Resolution Establishing A State Legislative Priority Requesting That The Alaska Legislature Amend State Law Regarding The Open Meetings Act To Allow Local Governments The Option To Exempt Advisory Service Area Boards From The Act. | | |
Not available
Not available
RS 25-026
| 1 | | | Resolution | A Resolution Establishing A State Legislative Priority Requesting That The Alaska Legislature Amend State Law Regarding The Open Meetings Act To Allow Local Governments The Option To Exempt Advisory Service Area Boards From The Act. | | |
Not available
Not available
RS 25-026
| 1 | | | Resolution | A Resolution Establishing A State Legislative Priority Requesting That The Alaska Legislature Amend State Law Regarding The Open Meetings Act To Allow Local Governments The Option To Exempt Advisory Service Area Boards From The Act. | | |
Not available
Not available